
Blessing Of God.

God’s Gift.

That is what you are, you are my best news.

My life was changed when I discovered your presence.

Everyday my life has been better because of you.

You were my strength when I was weak.

You were my fulfillment to my emptiness.

You are my sun, my moon, my lovechild.

In every aspect you made me a better woman.

I don’t second guess my purpose, I know I am to do right by you.

I am a dope educated black queen that turns her pain into power.

I am sister, and a daughter, I am black girl magic.

I am the best woman to mi amor.

You made me a mother.

Only you were able to complete me.

I was always preparing for you, I just didn’t know when you’d arrive.

Gifts are always better when they come from God.

Gifts are always better when you need them most.

I am blessed to have carried you.

I am blessed to have birthed you.

I am blessed to be your mother.

I am blessed you are my daughter.

You are the blessing that changed my life-

You are the gift, God finally allowed me to unwrap.

You are perfect in every way,

You are just what I wanted.

You are just what I needed.

I always knew love, just not quite like this.

You are my growth, my inspiration, my joy, my muse, my light, and my life.

You are my blessed gift from god.